High efficiency filter leak detection method | high efficiency filter leak classified Daquan Methods
Release time:2015-12-15 source:
High efficiency filter is an application in the clean room or clean room end filter, is directly related to the cleanliness of the air filters of the most important, and high efficiency filter leak detection method means that after the primary and high efficiency filter system installation The leak site, mainly to check the efficiency of the filter medium small pinholes and other damage, such as frame seals, gaskets, seals, and other high slatted frame filter on. The purpose of high efficiency filter leak detection method is by checking the high efficiency filter and the mounting frame sealing joints, etc., to detect high efficiency filter itself and installation defects, take appropriate remedial measures to ensure clean areas degree.
So then we mainly tell you about the high efficiency filter leak detection methods, specifically the following categories:
A high efficiency filter leak detection methods: sodium flame method
One way relatively early from the United Kingdom, in China prevailing in some European countries was introduced in the 1970s and 1990s to test dust source monodisperse sodium chloride salt spray. "Amount" for the brightness of the flame when the hydrogen-containing salt spray. The main equipment for the photometer. Brine in compressed air agitation splash, salt spray dried form tiny and into the duct. We were sampled before and after the filter and salt mist-like hydrogen gas flame blue color, brightness increase. Salt flame brightness to determine the concentration of the air, and in order to determine the efficiency of the filter salt spray. Salt average particle diameter of the national standard for the 0.4mm, but the measured results on the domestic existing installations is 0.5mm. Europe actual test measurements salt spray particle diameter is 0.65mm.
High efficiency filter leak detection equipment
High efficiency filter leak Method Two: Counting Scanning
Currently the mainstream of high efficiency filter leak detection methods, measuring instruments for the large flow laser particle counter or condensation nucleus counter (CNC). Counter on the outlet side of the filter scan test, the counter gives a little dust every number and size. This approach not only can measure the average efficiency of the filter, you can also compare the efficiency of local points. Counting scanning is the most stringent test efficiency filter method, using this method instead of other kinds of traditional methods is a big trend.
High efficiency filter leak Method three: Fluorescence
France currently only use this method to produce test dust source for the nebulizer fluorescein sodium dust. Test, before and after the filter first sampling, then dissolved in water and sodium fluorescein samples on filter paper, and then measure the aqueous solution containing sodium fluorescein fluorescence brightness under certain conditions, the brightness indirectly reflect the weight of dust. In fluorescence brightness difference before and after the high efficiency filter samples to determine the filter efficiency. According to count the average French standard, dust device generates dust size of 0.08mm, the volume mean particle diameter is 0.15mm. Fluorescence is too much trouble, the first sample and then clean the sample measured, and then to another place to measure the fluorescence. Indeed, the French filter plant in the past most commonly used DOP law, rather than their own provisions fluorescence, and now the French Association of European standardization in turn count as a national standard scan legal, fluorescence utterly useless. Only when involving nuclear grade high efficiency filter, in order to meet the requirements of traditional customers 20 years ago, they only use fluorescence.
High efficiency filter leak detection method four: mist method
Dust source for the mist, "quantity" of oil mist air turbidity. Instrument turbidity meter. Turbidity difference in gas samples to determine filter efficiency for oil mist particles. In Germany, paraffin oil, mist particle size of 0.3 ~ 0.5mm. Chinese standard mist average weight diameter 0.28 ~ 0.34mm, but on the type of oil without making specific provisions in the domestic manufacturers only part of the production medium in the measurement filter material still use oil mist method.
High efficiency filter leak detection method, map
High efficiency filter leak five: Photometer Scanning
Dust source is generally more dispersed droplets, as Laskin nozzle generated DOP smoke. Photometer for the whole plane filter scans leak. This scanning method to quickly and accurately locate the leak filter. Since the dust source as much of the dispersed phase, and the photometer can not determine the dust particle size, so this scanning method and a "filtration efficiency" of little practical significance. Photometer scanning leak detection method is not the appropriate standard to follow, but this method of quality control of the production process is very effective, the test equipment used is relatively simple, so some manufacturers currently use this method. Photometric scan test station can easily change the count scanning station, to spend some money to buy a laser particle counter on it.
High efficiency filter leak Method six: DOP law
From the United States, internationally accepted, but never practiced in our country. Test dust source is 0.3mm monodisperse DOP (plasticizer commonly used in the plastics industry) droplets. "Quantity" turbidity DOP containing air. Dust measuring equipment for the photometer (photometer). Turbidity difference in gas samples to determine filter efficiency DOP particles. Heating of the liquid DOP particles to leave about 0.3mm steam, steam condensation under certain conditions into fine droplets, to remove too large and too small droplets after the mist into the air duct DOP. Measured before and after the sample gas filter turbidity, and thus determine the filter efficiency 0.3mm dust.
These are the Dongguan Chunmei we summarize six purification efficiency filter leak detection method, the current international popular as the high efficiency filter leak detection method used to detect the sixth DOP leak detection method.
DOP efficiency filter leak detection equipment ready: DOP solvents, aerosol photometer
High efficiency filter leak detection principle: the measured efficiency filter inlet side spray DOP solvents as dust sources. In the wind measurement sampling aerosol photometer photometer photoelectric effect through dusty gas is converted to an electrical signal, and quickly display, in order to detect the relative concentration of aerosols, just five minutes the entire testing process. Quick and easy, accurate and reliable.
DOP efficiency filter leak detection applications: leak detection equipment since the DOP is expensive, usually in foreign investment, joint ventures using the high side. As Huarui Pharmaceutical, Pharmacia pharmaceuticals. Million tripod of HEPA filters to go through comprehensive tests before leaving the factory, equipped with a independent testing laboratory for high efficiency filter efficiency, air flow resistance, leakage and other parameters are tested to ensure that each batch of goods before the factory 100% quality guarantee!